Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Rogue Status Gunshow Bandana
East 4 and November 5 will take forward the days of training in beekeeping in the North East Cultural Centre in the city of Resistencia. Subjects for discussion are: Food, health and management in hives and MV will be dictated by the inta Emilio Figini of Dr. Mariano Bacci proapi and SENASA.
Please communicate the following email late to confirm their presence because space is limited.
Admission is free.
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Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria
EEA Sáenz Peña
Programa de actividades:
8.30 hs.: Acreditación (Sede de la AER INTA J. J. Castelli)
Práctico (Unidad Demostrativa)
9:00 hs.: Traslado a la unidad demostrativa
9:20 hs.: Trabajo de campo multiplicación de colmenas (canastero y paqueteado). Coordinadores Carlos Giménez, Pablo and Diego Gimenez Chipulina.
13:00.: Lunch.
14:30 hs.: Theoretical (INTA AER headquarters JJ Castelli).
Monitoring and control of Varroa (Giménez Diego)
hives Package (Paul Chipulina)
basket hives (Giménez Carlos)
18:00 hs.: Transfer to Field
19:30 hs.: Arm packages and baskets - Concluding remarks.
MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, Production and employment.
RSVP to phone 03732-417167 or email the following:
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Friday, October 16, 2009
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Saturday, October 3, 2009
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Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Impetigo Excema Infection
28 and 29 AUGUST 2009
Club Atlético Juventud May 25 743 - Malabrigo
Organizers: BEEKEEPERS Malabrigo CITY OF Malabrigo
Directions Distance:
by National Route No. 11: - Distance to the Santa Fe Provincial Capital: 280 kms .- and the Departmental Head Reconquista: 42 km.
In Argentina, in the northern province of Santa Fe, within the General Obligado Department, lies the city of Malabrigo
HOTEL THE CHINESE. ON NATIONAL ROAD NO. 11, Malabrigo. PHONE: 03482-15634010
REPORTS ON CELL: Gustavo Tessini -
tel :03482-15643259 E-mail: Marcelo Magnago - tel :03482-15408784 E-mail:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
On Poptropicahow To Fly

Petronilo Escasi Pancho Ortega, that is the alias of the famous "Pinocchio."
Born somewhere in the steppe, evil tongues say that a carpenter area called "Gequetepeto" created between timbers and planks used, a wooden doll. The carpenter was a little quite pedophile, and not just throw it farts that such was the desire to see his work come to life for abusing it. One day, Pinocchio became a child of flesh and blood, just like that, that the fate of the balls went mostly ...
That child grew up under his father's abuse Gequetepeto and the influence of a street gang called the Latin-Tin, mostly radical, Tintin's hair like a dog Milou.
After his father, tried by many crime, was murdered in prison, Pinocchio no more possessions a peach tail that grew when he lied, he threw the easy way out and became a porn actor. It was curious that, when rolling a movie, I always had to ask questions and to lie and his cock grow and grow .... Up infinity and beyond ... these films are said to have never seen the light, that the Arab tycoon bought for personal use ...
Monday, May 25, 2009
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Under a basement, with heavy security in a major city in the world (do not say the name because my life is jeopardized revealing) rests one of the hidden wonders of the world ...
Rumor has it that was around in 1977 when a few college kids experimenting with a radioactive material called "cacacoloraquehacepupaquetecagas" and a type of spider that only existed in the Sahara desert ...
Un joven, de apellido Parker, uno de los que investigaban, fue víctima de un descuido y de una de esas arañas. A consecuencia de ello cayó en un coma de pronóstico reservado, que mantenía su cerebro en un constante sueño y hacía también que no envejeciera…
I tell you this for that guy, that wonder enclosed, is Spiderman, which exists only in the brain, he is projecting that dream of climbing walls and arachnid hero. There are metaphysicians who say they may be living in a parallel world, the funny thing is that occasionally opens his eyes as if it were an apparition; fucks a pencil and start drawing everything happens for
Monday, May 18, 2009
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We will continue gutting truths ...
I'm going to tell the truth of this fat, born in South Lepe, if the people of the jokes. Then English abeja Ñ \u200b\u200b wave lived in a hive as a teenager. With the environment that his father gave him honey worker and his mother a prostitute in the best hives, grew one of the world's most famous bee.
His friend "Saturnino" (as Willy is another invention) was the best company ñero of children, especially in the time it was bulimic : the small ñ screen changed his life, so there were more episodes of the series (I must say that it sounds weird, risk scenes the series were shot by a double ... a whole heap of nonsense in another of the great universal lies ...).
After the show, Amaya fell into a deep crisis because of Saturnino, because after spending many a ñ I married one day discovers that her hubby is gay and the father catches Amaya, which was a double tragedy: mother and father fucking gay affair with her husband.
ruin even the eyebrows of multiple loans and a few hives beekeepers who did not business, the bee threw the easy way: tranquilizers, pills and a diet of MacDonald, Kentucky, Chinese and others, which led him to a thyroid problem, the very hippo ...
After three stomach-reduction operations without success, then left for a beehive south of Albacete, last who have been told that is working on a honeycomb seedy road which serves breakfast for bikers who are passing abejunos. His image is of someone who was someone who already is not ... a single bee fat and depressed ... hoping that time comes ...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
My Legs Ache And My Feet Burn
The true story that then I will have started in 1935 and in 1938 originated deformity of the story ... if you want to know the truth ... we will have it, maybe after this I do not hear more, really nobody said it was easy ...
Those who knew him say he was not a crazy man in the universe: twisted mind mixed with inhuman strength, was a perfect machine able to break a femur in twenty pieces without breaking a sweat ... Arrogant as the one and traumatized by the murder of their parents, bat man killed for the sake of satisfying the uncontrollable desire of his mind ... that is a fragment of the psychiatric report man named Bruce Wayne.
Neither experts know exactly the multiple personalities you have, just know that lives trapped in an imaginary city called Gotan City and according to him, not kill her parents were lower-level thugs and that he was the only one who could stop this confession ... Bruce contradicts himself surveillance cameras in the house of his parents, which clearly shows that not only killed his parents, but they also were tortured. The ruling that the tube is not hiding either the security tape to a ñ or later came to light with an unparalleled controversy ...
Until that day, single billionaire heir to the Wayne fortune, he squandered his best: great costumes brand, multiple parties with dubious authority, include not only were drugs of all kinds in great orgies with the highest global burden, but it also sacrificed to God Bat where everyone wore black tunics with masks.
" Who is Batman? ... That is the question that doctors did ... as Bruce was able to defeat a superhero and hunt down the murderers of their parents, but experts said it was only a of the multiple personalities of Bruce ...
The latest news was that he escaped the psychiatric center where he was held.
always Your age was a mystery but it says could now roam the nineties to ñ and that you locked in a psychiatric Wisconsin , though many say he died of an overdose in a ñ eighty years ...
In this reality in 1935, was born in 1938, the story of a man named Batman bat ... we all know it, but as the Bible ... the main truths were developed on a big lie ...