Petronilo Escasi Pancho Ortega, that is the alias of the famous "Pinocchio."
Born somewhere in the steppe, evil tongues say that a carpenter area called "Gequetepeto" created between timbers and planks used, a wooden doll. The carpenter was a little quite pedophile, and not just throw it farts that such was the desire to see his work come to life for abusing it. One day, Pinocchio became a child of flesh and blood, just like that, that the fate of the balls went mostly ...
That child grew up under his father's abuse Gequetepeto and the influence of a street gang called the Latin-Tin, mostly radical, Tintin's hair like a dog Milou.
After his father, tried by many crime, was murdered in prison, Pinocchio no more possessions a peach tail that grew when he lied, he threw the easy way out and became a porn actor. It was curious that, when rolling a movie, I always had to ask questions and to lie and his cock grow and grow .... Up infinity and beyond ... these films are said to have never seen the light, that the Arab tycoon bought for personal use ...