Thursday, November 18, 2010
Can I Masterbate With Latex Gloves
Del ceremony were representatives of producer cooperatives and coordinators funded by the Institute for the formation of export consortia . The institute is composed of the Exporting and Standard Bank Foundations, in the framework of Provincial and National Beekeeping who share the goal of Beekeeping Cooperative Building. The Minister Jorge Vara current production, the national coordinator of MAGyP beekeeping area, Graciela Hedman, President of the institute, Elvio Badinelli and Oscar Alexander, Export Office, confirmed the agreement.
The Minister acknowledged the initiative Vara apicola area of \u200b\u200byour portfolio, and welcomed the cooperation of the foundations for 'trespassing marketing process. " This "contributes to the associative and achieve a fairer price for those engaged in the business," said the minister.
Baldinelli in turn explain the scope of this convention. The intention is to accompany the process of consolidation, but to achieve self-management of cooperatives and groups, he said.
The honey produced by cooperatives that now adds to this agreement, will be exported through other companies worth $ 5 million. Hedman
by the Ministry of Agriculture of the nation, said it would continue providing specialists, Facundo as if King recently and other issues related to the entire production chain. From now and for six months, fund fees coordinators, anger shortening contract periods sought to achieve self-management.
Monday, August 30, 2010
How Do I Get My Male Dog Erect

Villa Angela was inaugurated in the first area bee | |
With the presence of Secretary of Livestock, Cdor. Sebastian De Arriortúa, the Ministry of According said President of the association, Rodolfo Meles, the opening of this cottage "Is a dream come true. Long ago that we had in mind long ago that we were working on the project. Move slowly and today we are pleased to have it built. " As for the function that will fulfill the bee, said its service will provide all production in the Northeast, "we will provide the basics of beekeeping that is a good queen, good genetics, we try to achieve the greatest possible gentleness, and of course, the best adaptation to our climate so that the producer will be able to optimize their production obtained a real cell or a queen who will offer you. I believe that we provide this because, until recently, farmers had to travel 500 to Regarding the situation of beekeeping in the area said they are excited to climate. Said they are very motivated because last year went through a disastrous situation in what climate, but earlier this year there was a resurgence of production. President The Mayor of the city, Mr. Sunday Peppo, participated in this important opening, and said it was a very important contribution to beekeeping in the area, "Producers now have a good quality genetics and a specially equipped for playing and creating products. I acknowledge the work they are doing all those involved in this production. This shows the growth of our city, Villa Angela is, without doubt, a place where you can bet for sure because we have the well marked path "- he said. Source: |
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Brittish Matures In Girdles
Mendoza Beekeepers call for the fourth edition of the
in the department
4 and 5 December. PARTICIPATE! Reports
With the emphasis being
Mendoza Lavalle exposure calls for 10 to 12
September. A meeting of speaking beekeepers for beekeepers and a commercial space where Cuyo
linking Argentina and Chile.
1 USD = 3.94 ARS honey
1 Kg = 2.34 USD = 9.25 ARS
(Grain Exchange Buenos Aires)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Milena Velbasnooker Set
professionals will be present National University of Mar del Plata leading a workshop on Varroa resistance to acaricides. Access information
the same in
Monday, July 5, 2010
Patricia Manterola En Tetas

Friday 23 July:
09:00 AM Hive Productive.
Speakers: Giménez Diego.
10:30 am Bee Health
Speaker: Hernán García-APILAB
12:00 pm Lunch break
14:30 pm Location climate zone
Speaker: Eng. AER INTA Alejandro Moreno JJ Castelli.
Speaker: Eng. Horacio R. Currao
21: 00 hs fellowship dinner
Saturday 24 July:
09:00 Melipona:
Speaker: Dr. Gerardo Gennari INTA Famaillá
Speaker: Mr. Carlos Lima Forest
* Categorization and state
hives into Invernada
* Pruning Demonstration carob-
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Are Walmartearings Fake

Exclusive Poptropica Clothes
Held Training School of the Government of the Province of Chaco.
Date: Saturday June 12, 2010.
Hours: 15:00 to 18:30.
Speaker: Antonio Lo Fiego - Director NGO GVC in the province of Chaco.
For: Producers edition. Cooperative Partners bee. PROGRAM
15.00 hs 15.15 hs
Accreditation Conference presented by 15.30 pm
History Cooperative. Difference between cooperatives and capitalist.
18:00 hs. Conclusions and closing.
Organiser: INTA - Change Programme Rural Agricultural Experiment Station Cologne Benitez, Ministry of Production of the Government of the Province of Chaco and Non-Governmental Organization GVC - Proj. Juan Penco.
For more information:
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Engagement Things To Write On A Card
Wow! Today we have reached the 100 FANS in Facebook! Impressive ... What JOY! Thank you very much to TOD @ S! The truth is that the support is very important and you know how to provide it ... hope to be many many more ... THANKS !
Friday, May 14, 2010
Mercedes Benz Commercial Trance
one because, prior history which has echoes of voices that are lies, distorted stories for success in this business world, but sooner or later, open your eyes and you will find everything ... It is time to uncover the box and know the truth.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Novelty Ontario Id 347 Yonge Street
May 8, 2010 / Hilario Ascasubi, Bs As.Organizan: EEA INTA Hilario Ascasubi; CORFO Colorado River Beekeepers South Centre Buenos Aires; Municipalities and Villarino.Programa8 Patagones hs. Inscripción.9 to 9:30 Apertura.9: 45 to 10:45 Proposed technology for the production of quality honey. "The technological path. Phys. Vet. Alfonso Lorenzo, PROFEDER, Argentina 2017 Strategic Plan, PROAPI.-Topics nutrition. INTA Hilario professionals Ascasubi.-Federal Support for Sustainable Rural Development. Eng. Juan Erreguerena, Buenos Aires PROFEDER South Regional Centre INTA.11: 15 to 12:15 Technology in motion: experiences of groups of beekeepers that have implemented technological path. Colmenares-Group of Colorado Rural Change (Pedro Luro). -Groups of the Center for Rural Change Buenos Aires (Lamadrid, Laprida, Olavarria) .12:15 to 13 The origins of beekeeping in Buenos Aires River Valley to 14:30 Colorado.14 Agricultural Experimental Station of INTA Hilario Ascasubi, activities and lines of work in apicultura.14: 30 to 15:40 Varrosis current situation. -Location the Varroosis in Argentina. Vet Med. Mariano Bacci, SENASA. Varroa-resistance to coumaphos, and status of other acaricides. Mr. Matias Maggi, UNMDP Arthropods Lab. "Tolerance of honey bee genetics of Varroa. National and international programs. Ms. Julieta Merke, PROAPI EEA INTA Rafaela. 16:00 Award ceremony of the photo contest. 16:15 to 17:30 International marketing of honey. State of the alkaloids and honey. Lecturer in international market confirmar.Aspectos honey and other parameters of commercial importance. Eng. Norberto Garcia Girou. NEXCO SA 17.30 to 18 cierre.Costo Delivery of certificates and registration (lunch not included). Until April 30 $ 30. From May 1 $ 50.MÁS INFO: 02928 491011 / 141 8 16.30 hs.Graciela Rodríguez: Place: INTA Agricultural Experimental Station, Route 3 sur km 794, Hilario Ascasubi Pdo. of Villarino.CONCURSO FOTOGRAFICORecepción works from March 15 to April 19, 2010 inclusive.Más information concurso02928-491 011 / 491141.Lic. Fatima Cano: III
APICOLA SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE BONAERENSEDeclarada Municipal Interest on Saturday, May 29, is organized by the Cooperative Pigüé.Informes Beekeeping: 02 923 - 472449E Email:
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Go To Work Chest Infection
Monday, April 5, 2010
How To Live With An Extra Vertabrae
MACIA, 29 Mar - How could it be otherwise, Macia repeated the success several years ago and Sunday closing was a party.
The sample was fitted to the time 8:00 for a day that had a lot of scheduled activity. The entry of public land as usual on Sundays, began very early, where mainly the family, used the day to explore, learn, shop and simply interact with other visitors. Mate accompanied by some of the delicacies offered kiosks institutions was the inseparable companion of anyone to visit the site.
conferences scheduled for the journey back to score a record crowd and the tent intended for that purpose, was again unable to accommodate all attendees. The average attendance was 400 people per conference. Behind the barn was developed beekeeping successful and sheep exhibition convener, whose shot took place at the time and repeated the success of last year's sales. Sunday was the day chosen for the selection of the winning photograph Photo Contest Beekeeping and this new edition, the prize went to Ghibaudo, Maria Rosa Sosa station (PR) with the work "Collection." This work will be the cover of the posters, flyers and other Maciá Expo 2011. Includes 65 photographs.
also carried out the Food and Beverage Competition with honey, which had an excellent turnout with very original creations received very good reviews from the judges involved. When
16:00 as is expected arrived at Centennial Park, the Governor of the Province D. Sergio Urribarri, who accompanied the Municipal Pte Macia, Ricardo Troncoso made a tour around the campus, exchanging opinions and words with many of the exhibitors. After this covered, the authorities held a press conference where The governor welcomed the invitation and congratulated the organization for the organization of the sample. The president apologized to the audience for not being able to stay in Maciá for the closing ceremony, given the busy schedule of activities was in Buenos Aires on Monday
Another high point of the day, was the Latin American meeting of beekeepers held in the hall of the quartermaster, chaired by the President of Apimondia Mr. Gilles Rattia and Mr. Lucas Martinez, Vice President Apimondia, which yielded very good results in relation to work projects for the future.
after 19:00 when the activity began on stage with awards of the various competitions, completed the same took place the closing ceremony with the presence of Minister of Production Cdor ER. Robert Schunk and other officials. The Cdor. Schunk when you speak again to congratulate the organization and confirm the commitment of the Government of Entre Rios in supporting this event. Then he gave out awards to current and former secretaries of production of the Municipality of Macia. Finally, the mayor closed Troncoso left the sample with emotional words of thanks to everyone who came to the town of Macia, employees and the Government for the support. He also urged the continuation of the party supported the responsibility that is to think of the future, what's next.
At this point in the evening the people entering the premises was relentless as the Chaco Palavecino appearance on stage was delayed a few minutes to enable everyone could take their places without problems. Once most people were in their places, the Salta-born star made his appearance at the pace of chacarera vibrating at an early stage to more than 15000 people packed the renovated premises exhibitor. The show lasted just over two hours in which the pop star did not stop at any time and went straight to the point with his music backed by a flawless base that came from the set that comes with it. Concurrency cheered each of the items until the end so it really was a great finale to this event deserved. The end of the night after the draw for two motorcycles 0km, was for the fireworks show for the thrill and delight of all.
The 15 ° Fiesta Provincial de la Miel again be a party to shine again in all its aspects, reconvened the most important of beekeeping in our country and the world. Throughout the three days it was visited by delegations of Misiones, Mendoza, Santiago del Estero, Brazil, Uruguay, France, Corrientes, ROU, Salta, Buenos Aires, Chaco and other points of the globe. After many years was the presence of the dome Apimondia, kudos to the shows and giving an international boost that no other event has managed to, by transposing the borders of our pious and consider putting the name of Argentina in estates very important. The series of conferences that brought together these transcendent authority, was undoubtedly the most important in recent years, said by leading experts in beekeeping and specialized media.
also shone again from the stage, where artists who spent regardless of their importance, were provided for the whole show. This no doubt is the great national holiday of beekeeping in Argentina and this was demonstrated in these three days, where the conformity of exhibitors and attendees made known in every corner of the property. The tentative date for 2011 would be 1, 2 and 3 April.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Do Not Scratch Herpes Outbreak
Republic 7, 8 and 9 MAY 2010
San Francisco, Vertex Beekeeping in North Central Argentino
A genuine encounter with over 1500 beekeepers and major suppliers of Materials, Machinery and Supplies for Beekeeping
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Driver License Center Altoona Pa

an organizing committee will be established which will consist of:
Tasting Committee: this committee the director of the contest, the media professionals responsible for the Specialty Production Laboratory of the Municipality of Macia and / the technical support staff.
Competition Jury: suitable persons trained in sensory analysis of honey proposed by the Tasting Committee.
Administrative staff: administrative support staff appointed by the Ministry of Production in the Municipality of Macia. ALTERNATIVE
Section 1: There will be three categories of multi-flower honeys: 1 .- Honey Honey multifloral multifloral AMBAR.3 CLARAS.2 .- .- DARK multifloral Honeys. These categories will answer
INTERNATIONAL AND ARGENTINASCaracterísticas honey of honeys: honeys that competition must be honey bee last season, produced in Argentina by beekeepers whose holdings are registered in the National Register of Producers Beekeeping prior to 1 March of this year and any foreign country with documentation of their official clearance as a producer apícola.Artículo 2nd: The honeys competition must meet the following requirements: 1 .- Physico-chemical parameters: Color: Honey clear: Up to 40 mm Pfund. Honey Amber from 40.1 to 79.9 mm Pfund. Dark honey: from 80 mm PfundContenido Humidity: up to 20%. Acid content: no more than 40 meq / Kg.Ausencia additives.
- Other requirements: The sensory characteristics and texture of honey will be specific to the honey, must also be free from physical impurities, and show no signs of fermentation, and sensory defects (smoking, fungi, odors, etc.. ). Article 3. With the same number of RENAPA, it can submit only a taste of honey. "Beekeepers may not be made direct kinship they share the same apiary and / or area of \u200b\u200bproduction" Section 4. Concurso.El Phases of Competition will be held in the following phases: 1. Presentation of honey by concursantes2. Admission of honey to the competition and final assignment in the category that is competing every miel3. Selection of finalists in each categoría4 honey. Selection of honey categoríaArtículo awarded in each 5 °. Presentation of honey. Contestants must submit honey submitted to the contest, three glass containers and / or plastic, 250 grams and no registration or identifying marks. The honey should have input in the Production of Specialty Laboratory Macia and / or Department of the Municipality Production Macia. Centennial Park (CP 3177) Maciá. Province of Entre Rios. TE: 03445-461397 - Fax: 03445-461397. Email:, until Monday, March 22, 2010. Samples will not compete after that date. Honeys delivered remain the property of the Municipality of Macia.
Section 7. At the time of delivery of samples for each sample submitted, is included in an envelope, an envelope containing registration the following information: Name
producer. Document Number
address, telephone number and e-mail. RENAPA
number. Date
honey crop.
Place of origin of honey (indicate with as much detail as possible the geographic location of production).
The envelope is closed and assign a number to the sample in order of receipt, also scoring on the outside of the category in which it is competing. This procedure is done, ALWAYSpointspraygun possible, in the presence of the competitor. The honey samples submitted must be sealed and labeled with the same number of the envelope. Participants will receive at the time of delivery, a receipt and proof of filing of the honey samples stating date, time and place of delivery. Section 8. Admission of honey in the competition and allocation to different categorías.Tras final verification of compliance with the requirements of Articles 1 and 2, based on the analysis and inspection of physical impurities and defects taste, the Tasting Committee determined from the honey made which are definitely supported in the competition. Similarly, the Tasting Committee may amend the category in which a sample concur, or if there is failure to disqualify some of the requirements of reglamento.Artículo 9 °. Selection of honey finalists in this category. Honeys accepted are subject to a blind tasting Tasting of the Committee appointed for that purpose, that within the scope of this category made an initial assessment of its quality through the analysis of organoleptic characteristics, absence of defects, and verification of physical and chemical parameters. These honeys will become finalistas.Artículo 10 °. Honeys Selection Competition awards. Honeys finalists will be submitted to the valuation of the Jury. The Committee may declare Tasting Competition finalists up to 3 honeys who obtained the highest scores. The competition jury, after evaluating the proposals by the Committee honey Tasting, proceed to execute a las que obtengan la mayor puntuación los siguientes premios:
Para mieles
1° Premio: Ahumador de Oro a la Mejor Miel multifloral CLARA: aquella miel que, por sus especiales características y por el mayor puntaje obtenido dentro de la categoría se considere merecedora de tal distinción.
2° Premio: Ahumador de Plata para la Mejor Miel multifloral CLARA: que se encuentre en segundo lugar de puntaje. 1° Premio: Ahumador de Oro a la Mejor Miel multifloral ÁMBAR: aquella miel que, por sus especiales características y por el mayor puntaje obtenido dentro de la categoría se considere merecedora de tal distinción.
2° Premio: Ahumador de Plata para la Mejor Miel multifloral ÁMBAR: who is in second place score.
1 st Prize: Golden Smoker Best multifloral DARK Honey: Honey that because of its special characteristics and the highest score obtained in the category is deemed worthy of such distinction.
2 nd Prize: Silver Smoker for the Best Honey multifloral DARK: who is in second place score.
Special mentions to clear multi-flower honey, amber and dark are in third place score: Gold Medal.
The Jury may declare any or all of the prizes. Once failed the Quality Contest, the Jury shall give the public opening of the envelopes to identify names of participants. Article 11 °. Contestants, by participating, agree to these terms and are subject to the discretion of the Committee Organizadory the jury's decision to be final. The ruling will be public and be exhibited during the development of a Stand Expo specially designed for the exhibition of the winning honey. The awards ceremony will take place on the main stage during the closing ceremony of the fair.
Inurl View.shtml Bedroom

Todos los ataques se dieron en zona con distintas características (montes altos, montes bajos y colonias) en situaciones diferentes (con alimentación, sin alimentación, con guarda piquero y poncho). Lo que coincide que estos ataque se dan cuando se eleva la temperatura y en proximidad a un cambio de clima (de frío a calor).

escaped swarms are hung on trees in an apiary may meet four or five swarms making it impossible to rescue them.
Possessing little information on such incidents are resolved as a measure of control:
• During the attacks: The transfer of survivors to another apiary hives. Preventive
• Control: Using homemade traps were placed on different baits near the apiary. Homemade Traps
At first they used plastic bottles with holes and baits.
The preventive method was successful in apiaries where he received a considerable increase presence Melipona that could lead to a future attack.
The trap was subsequently used: a box 24 cm by 17 cm with a sliding lid and small holes (4 mm or so) so that they can only enter the aggressor (Melipona). It contains within it a container which is placed a bait.

The bait was the most widely accepted syrup containing sugar + honey + DEVELOPER L + Venom (cypermethrin).
The trap must be in an accessible and secure because of the presence of animals.
The poison must be changed every 9 days, which is what takes the power of cypermethrin.
We could see the interest of the melipona by the water so these traps also gave good results.
Precautions: box traps must secure the lid, it locks. In case of animal fencing should be placed to guard them (such as foxes and weasels) who are attracted to them.
These traps can be taken as a useful resource for the prevention but do not have enough evidence to enable a final solution to this new problem.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Metroid Prime Game Case
LIMITED SPACES - 35 attendees. Directed people who want to start beekeeping or have basic knowledge.
Location: EEA-INTA Rafaela Date: 13 to May 15 Cost: $ 150 to confirm (includes study materials, coffee, lunch and field trips). Reports: or Registration Form and program in the INTA website.
certificate of attendance will be given. IMPORTANT! Bring beekeeper diver to exit the field.
Contents: Module 1: Beekeeping, market, and Enterprise Products What is Beekeeping?, The honey market, market for bee products. Challenges and opportunities of beekeeping in the country, situation of the country. National and International markets. Production scales and Production Systems Outlook ArgentinaProductos of the hive bee: Honey, Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, apitoxina, Beeswax, living material. The beekeeping business. Module 2: The Bees and the Environment Description of Apis mellifera L., anatomy and physiology, life in the colony, inhabitants of the colony, activities and behaviors of bees, Food and nutrition bee, Principles of Genetics, The plants and bees, Flora of importance beekeeping Importance of Pollination. Module 3: Managing the hive: Tools and materials needed beekeeping equipment. The hive and its parts. Armed and preservation of beekeeping equipment, beekeeping equipment and protection, Tools. , Harvesting equipment installation Apiaries: proper location. Training and development of apiaries. Amounts production units. Beekeeping Development Conditions for a good hive, apiary expansion. Natural swarm. Techniques and Methods. Calendar beekeeping. Harvest. Reserve levels and supply. Flower chain: flow of nectar and pollen. Hive management during the nectar flow, Management spaces, ventilation, management criteria of the brood combs Quality, Potential of the queen bee Quantity, Professional Management Guidelines. Module 4: Concepts of Health Bee Health-illness defense mechanisms against diseases hive bee diseases: Varroosis, American foulbrood, European foulbrood, Nosemosis, chalkbrood, Virus. Enemies of the hive: the wax moth, ants, bees Bumblebee hunter, small hive beetle, What is the syndrome of depopulation of hives? Module 5: Good Manufacturing Practices: Best management practices Good practices in harvesting and transport melarias hikes full, Good Manufacturing Practices, Good practices in extraction and fractionation facilities Module 6: Economic and Marketing Assessment: Quality of honey bee law rules. Base voluntary regulation, economic analysis of beekeeping, Cost estimates to start entrepreneurship, the importance of associative
proposed activities and workshops: Workshops to discuss some of the content addressed by the end of each module. Armed with inert material, visit an experimental apiary
Hours: 8.30 to 12 and 13 to 15.30 a17 theoretical and 16 hours
Pros And Cons Dried Mango
On 31 October, 1 , 2 and 3 November in VI Juan José Castelli were measured temperatures of 40 º c and 41 º c which triggers the melting of hives. This phenomenon occurred in hives whose roofs are painted in colors such as dark green, orange and some do paint being the least affected the white color of which 1 or 2 frames which had reserves of honey is melted but lower the damage, the affected apiaries were mostly in the shade of black locusts, mistol. Also note that water sources were between 700 and 800 meters had to make several trips thus wasting and death of bees is greater, plus the large number of birds and to stop the queen's position due to high temperatures not no renewal of bees. The hive enters an imbalance which makes it impossible to control the temperature. Furthermore
apiaries where the facts are established apiaries 8 or 10 years ago, but due to the drought the trees did not sprout so some hives were exposed the sun. Below is a list of affected producers.
white paint
hives in the apiary have water
If the shade is insufficient add
Keep carton low Varroa
not multiply hives
Water reservoirs: in Figure 1 is a resistance in the earth pit lined bag silo where water is discharged and cover for animals not taken (livestock).
Figure 2 is also a reservoir of water whose base is a platform cut in half by two boards together which determines the desired width of the shelf this has the advantage of Once installed transport it tergopol placed to avoid killing bees. the downside is that if there is no water rodents and break the drill can be patched but remain weak.