During the winter most accurate on June 20 began melipones attacks causing loss of hives.

Todos los ataques se dieron en zona con distintas características (montes altos, montes bajos y colonias) en situaciones diferentes (con alimentación, sin alimentación, con guarda piquero y poncho). Lo que coincide que estos ataque se dan cuando se eleva la temperatura y en proximidad a un cambio de clima (de frío a calor).
Todos los ataques se dieron en zona con distintas características (montes altos, montes bajos y colonias) en situaciones diferentes (con alimentación, sin alimentación, con guarda piquero y poncho). Lo que coincide que estos ataque se dan cuando se eleva la temperatura y en proximidad a un cambio de clima (de frío a calor).

Modo de ataque: Los ataques que se observaron se produjeron durante los días calidos del invierno. Las meliponas se reúnen en un gran enjambre en continuo movimiento y luego ingresan en masa al apiario. El propósito es: el saqueo de los alimentos (miel y polen). Durante este suceso se da la liberación de una secreción de un olor característico. This results in the colonies attacked: disorganization and confusion, prompting aggressive behavior, leading to confrontation between bees and melipones (may last several hours) participating in this pillage other wasps. It was proved during this period that the methods commonly used in rational beekeeping were not effective to stop the attack (smoke, air freshener, reduced entrances and ponchos. It comes after the leak of the colony as well as high mortality ( both queens and workers and to a lesser extent the melipones).
escaped swarms are hung on trees in an apiary may meet four or five swarms making it impossible to rescue them.
escaped swarms are hung on trees in an apiary may meet four or five swarms making it impossible to rescue them.
Possessing little information on such incidents are resolved as a measure of control:
• During the attacks: The transfer of survivors to another apiary hives. Preventive
• Control: Using homemade traps were placed on different baits near the apiary. Homemade Traps
Possessing little information on such incidents are resolved as a measure of control:
• During the attacks: The transfer of survivors to another apiary hives. Preventive
• Control: Using homemade traps were placed on different baits near the apiary. Homemade Traps
: The aim of these traps is the elimination of scouts and foragers in order to prevent attacks.
At first they used plastic bottles with holes and baits.
The preventive method was successful in apiaries where he received a considerable increase presence Melipona that could lead to a future attack.
The trap was subsequently used: a box 24 cm by 17 cm with a sliding lid and small holes (4 mm or so) so that they can only enter the aggressor (Melipona). It contains within it a container which is placed a bait.
The bait was the most widely accepted syrup containing sugar + honey + DEVELOPER L + Venom (cypermethrin).
The trap must be in an accessible and secure because of the presence of animals.
The poison must be changed every 9 days, which is what takes the power of cypermethrin.
We could see the interest of the melipona by the water so these traps also gave good results.
Precautions: box traps must secure the lid, it locks. In case of animal fencing should be placed to guard them (such as foxes and weasels) who are attracted to them.
These traps can be taken as a useful resource for the prevention but do not have enough evidence to enable a final solution to this new problem.
At first they used plastic bottles with holes and baits.
The preventive method was successful in apiaries where he received a considerable increase presence Melipona that could lead to a future attack.
The trap was subsequently used: a box 24 cm by 17 cm with a sliding lid and small holes (4 mm or so) so that they can only enter the aggressor (Melipona). It contains within it a container which is placed a bait.

The bait was the most widely accepted syrup containing sugar + honey + DEVELOPER L + Venom (cypermethrin).
The trap must be in an accessible and secure because of the presence of animals.
The poison must be changed every 9 days, which is what takes the power of cypermethrin.
We could see the interest of the melipona by the water so these traps also gave good results.
Precautions: box traps must secure the lid, it locks. In case of animal fencing should be placed to guard them (such as foxes and weasels) who are attracted to them.
These traps can be taken as a useful resource for the prevention but do not have enough evidence to enable a final solution to this new problem.
Diego A. Gimenez, Carlos M. Gimenez-beekeeping techniques, Juan Jose Castelli-Chaco
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