Christopher Emanuel Balestrero (Henry Fonda), who is called "Manny" is a New York jazz musician and exemplary parent who is wrongly confused with a dangerous robber.
The Wrong Man is a unique film in the career of its author, not by its subject, which revolves around the issue of false Hitchcockian guilty, but by eminently realistic assumptions that underpin its design.
Hitchcock himself in his preface warns us about the unusual nature of a work for the first time in his films, is based on an event true.
of quasi documentary realism (some sequences were shot in real places where events had occurred), it is a somber film, exposed through an austere staging bressoniana nudity, and like the Kafkaesque The process ( Le Proces , 1962) by Orson Welles shows the helplessness of the individual against the imponderables and cryptic law enforcement.
In its first minutes, after Fonda's character out of fashion club early in his orchestra works, Hitchcock anticipates what will happen through an expressionistic background that places him on his back and between two policemen walking by the night watch. It is but a chance (not the only along the length) which may go unnoticed foreboding sense at first viewing, but with the filmmaker and makes it clear that his protagonist is heading towards a near future shifting shadows.
The author emphasizes the Vertigo Manny state of anxiety using the subjective point of view, with which also involves the audience, who experience their discomfort and unease. An example of what I say (there are many more) is the sequence that is contained in the police cells and begins to search the corners of the space claustrophobic until almost faints.
The filmmaker also indulges in each of the steps that are part of the ritual of detention (registration, fingerprinting, placement of handcuffs, transfer to prison ...) to highlight the humiliation and shame that her character undergoes. Few
licenses that takes the director for a story that has no frills, one of them the famous dissolve in illustrating the "miracle? that occurs near the end.
To highlight the superb performances of Henry Fonda and Vera Miles, the latter giving rise to Rose, Manny's wife, who suffer terrible psychological consequences because of the judicial process that is interfered her husband.
contribution is also brilliant Bernard Herrmann, whose experimental sound track emphasizes situations and moods of the protagonists.
Wrong Man is a movie essential, unprecedented within the films of Hitchcock, and anyone who has not seen this masterpiece can claim to have a complete overview of the work of British genius.
Rating: masterpiece.
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