Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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May 8, 2010 / Hilario Ascasubi, Bs As.Organizan: EEA INTA Hilario Ascasubi; CORFO Colorado River Beekeepers South Centre Buenos Aires; Municipalities and Villarino.Programa8 Patagones hs. Inscripción.9 to 9:30 Apertura.9: 45 to 10:45 Proposed technology for the production of quality honey. "The technological path. Phys. Vet. Alfonso Lorenzo, PROFEDER, Argentina 2017 Strategic Plan, PROAPI.-Topics nutrition. INTA Hilario professionals Ascasubi.-Federal Support for Sustainable Rural Development. Eng. Juan Erreguerena, Buenos Aires PROFEDER South Regional Centre INTA.11: 15 to 12:15 Technology in motion: experiences of groups of beekeepers that have implemented technological path. Colmenares-Group of Colorado Rural Change (Pedro Luro). -Groups of the Center for Rural Change Buenos Aires (Lamadrid, Laprida, Olavarria) .12:15 to 13 The origins of beekeeping in Buenos Aires River Valley to 14:30 Colorado.14 Agricultural Experimental Station of INTA Hilario Ascasubi, activities and lines of work in apicultura.14: 30 to 15:40 Varrosis current situation. -Location the Varroosis in Argentina. Vet Med. Mariano Bacci, SENASA. Varroa-resistance to coumaphos, and status of other acaricides. Mr. Matias Maggi, UNMDP Arthropods Lab. "Tolerance of honey bee genetics of Varroa. National and international programs. Ms. Julieta Merke, PROAPI EEA INTA Rafaela. 16:00 Award ceremony of the photo contest. 16:15 to 17:30 International marketing of honey. State of the alkaloids and honey. Lecturer in international market confirmar.Aspectos honey and other parameters of commercial importance. Eng. Norberto Garcia Girou. NEXCO SA 17.30 to 18 cierre.Costo Delivery of certificates and registration (lunch not included). Until April 30 $ 30. From May 1 $ 50.MÁS INFO: 02928 491011 / 141 8 16.30 hs.Graciela Rodríguez: dirascasubi@correo.inta.gov.ar Place: INTA Agricultural Experimental Station, Route 3 sur km 794, Hilario Ascasubi Pdo. of Villarino.CONCURSO FOTOGRAFICORecepción works from March 15 to April 19, 2010 inclusive.Más information concurso02928-491 011 / 491141.Lic. Fatima Cano: fcano@correo.inta.gov.ar III

APICOLA SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE BONAERENSEDeclarada Municipal Interest on Saturday, May 29, is organized by the Cooperative Pigüé.Informes Beekeeping: 02 923 - 472449E Email: coopgerencia@s8.coopenet.com.ar


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