Thursday, March 11, 2010

Metroid Prime Game Case

Second Course Introduction and Update Beekeeping:

LIMITED SPACES - 35 attendees. Directed people who want to start beekeeping or have basic knowledge.
Location: EEA-INTA Rafaela Date: 13 to May 15 Cost: $ 150 to confirm (includes study materials, coffee, lunch and field trips). Reports: or Registration Form and program in the INTA website.
certificate of attendance will be given. IMPORTANT! Bring beekeeper diver to exit the field.
Contents: Module 1: Beekeeping, market, and Enterprise Products What is Beekeeping?, The honey market, market for bee products. Challenges and opportunities of beekeeping in the country, situation of the country. National and International markets. Production scales and Production Systems Outlook ArgentinaProductos of the hive bee: Honey, Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis, apitoxina, Beeswax, living material. The beekeeping business. Module 2: The Bees and the Environment Description of Apis mellifera L., anatomy and physiology, life in the colony, inhabitants of the colony, activities and behaviors of bees, Food and nutrition bee, Principles of Genetics, The plants and bees, Flora of importance beekeeping Importance of Pollination. Module 3: Managing the hive: Tools and materials needed beekeeping equipment. The hive and its parts. Armed and preservation of beekeeping equipment, beekeeping equipment and protection, Tools. , Harvesting equipment installation Apiaries: proper location. Training and development of apiaries. Amounts production units. Beekeeping Development Conditions for a good hive, apiary expansion. Natural swarm. Techniques and Methods. Calendar beekeeping. Harvest. Reserve levels and supply. Flower chain: flow of nectar and pollen. Hive management during the nectar flow, Management spaces, ventilation, management criteria of the brood combs Quality, Potential of the queen bee Quantity, Professional Management Guidelines. Module 4: Concepts of Health Bee Health-illness defense mechanisms against diseases hive bee diseases: Varroosis, American foulbrood, European foulbrood, Nosemosis, chalkbrood, Virus. Enemies of the hive: the wax moth, ants, bees Bumblebee hunter, small hive beetle, What is the syndrome of depopulation of hives? Module 5: Good Manufacturing Practices: Best management practices Good practices in harvesting and transport melarias hikes full, Good Manufacturing Practices, Good practices in extraction and fractionation facilities Module 6: Economic and Marketing Assessment: Quality of honey bee law rules. Base voluntary regulation, economic analysis of beekeeping, Cost estimates to start entrepreneurship, the importance of associative
proposed activities and workshops: Workshops to discuss some of the content addressed by the end of each module. Armed with inert material, visit an experimental apiary
Hours: 8.30 to 12 and 13 to 15.30 a17 theoretical and 16 hours


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