La Junta Municipal de San Pablo de Buceite has convened the sixth annual poetry contest, Poetry Contest VI Encounter for Peace.
This competition is run by the writer and poet Paloma Fernández Goma, and meets every año con motivo del evento intercultural IX Talleres por la Paz de San Pablo de Buceite que se celebra del 21 al 30 de julio.
El poema ganador recibe un premio de 600 euros, es recitado en el acto literario de los Talleres por la Paz, y publicado en la revista Intercultural Dos Orillas.
Bases VI CERTAMEN DE POESÍA "Encuentros por la Paz"
1.-Podrán participar cuantos autores lo deseen, residentes en España, Marruecos y Gibraltar, presentando un solo poema, que será rigurosamente inédito y escrito en castellano.
Al participar, se entiende que conocen y aceptan las presentes bases.
2.- Los trabajos se presentarán por cuadruplicado, ejemplar en folios mecanografiados a doble espacio por una single-sided, signed with a motto and accompanied by closed escrow which will contain name, address and telephone number of the author.
3 .- The theme of the poem should be taken and exalt the spirit of the Workshop for Peace in San Pablo de Buceite: peace, tolerance, solidarity and understanding between different cultures and is free verse without the extending beyond the 60 verses. Papers will be presented in English.
4 .- The works will be sent to: Municipal District of San Pablo de Buceite (Poetry Contest Encounters for Peace "), C / Coronel Auditor Cazorla, s / n. Municipal Office. Casa de la Cultura "Enrique Tierno Galván. 11320 San Pablo de Buceite. Cádiz. Owing
be held by the entity before Friday, the July 1, 2011, rejecting those arriving later.
5 .- The Municipal District of St. Paul will become the property Buceite the winning, they can make their use appropriate.
The first prize winning poem will be published in the journal Intercultural Two Shores.
The papers presented will remain the property of the Municipal District.
6 .- The jury selected by the Department of Culture, will make final.
7 .- The jury will be announced through the media, and immediately notify the authors winners. 8 .-
award a single prize of 600 euros to the winning poem.
The jury may award honorable mentions.
9 .- The jury will be read at the Casa de la Cultura "Enrique Tierno Galván" in a literary act, including one of the days of the cultural event "IX Workshop for Peace of San Pablo de Buceite" which place in the week from 21 to 30 July 2011. Which also winning poems recited.
then will receive their awards. So the winners must attend in person to collect, or authorize another person.
10 .- The winning authors will undertake, by the publication of his works to refer to the prize that had been obtained in this poetry competition. The winning author will not compete again until after three years. ---
More information:
Municipal District of San Pablo de Buceite
This competition is run by the writer and poet Paloma Fernández Goma, and meets every año con motivo del evento intercultural IX Talleres por la Paz de San Pablo de Buceite que se celebra del 21 al 30 de julio.
El poema ganador recibe un premio de 600 euros, es recitado en el acto literario de los Talleres por la Paz, y publicado en la revista Intercultural Dos Orillas.
Bases VI CERTAMEN DE POESÍA "Encuentros por la Paz"
1.-Podrán participar cuantos autores lo deseen, residentes en España, Marruecos y Gibraltar, presentando un solo poema, que será rigurosamente inédito y escrito en castellano.
Al participar, se entiende que conocen y aceptan las presentes bases.
2.- Los trabajos se presentarán por cuadruplicado, ejemplar en folios mecanografiados a doble espacio por una single-sided, signed with a motto and accompanied by closed escrow which will contain name, address and telephone number of the author.
3 .- The theme of the poem should be taken and exalt the spirit of the Workshop for Peace in San Pablo de Buceite: peace, tolerance, solidarity and understanding between different cultures and is free verse without the extending beyond the 60 verses. Papers will be presented in English.
4 .- The works will be sent to: Municipal District of San Pablo de Buceite (Poetry Contest Encounters for Peace "), C / Coronel Auditor Cazorla, s / n. Municipal Office. Casa de la Cultura "Enrique Tierno Galván. 11320 San Pablo de Buceite. Cádiz. Owing
be held by the entity before Friday, the July 1, 2011, rejecting those arriving later.
5 .- The Municipal District of St. Paul will become the property Buceite the winning, they can make their use appropriate.
The first prize winning poem will be published in the journal Intercultural Two Shores.
The papers presented will remain the property of the Municipal District.
6 .- The jury selected by the Department of Culture, will make final.
7 .- The jury will be announced through the media, and immediately notify the authors winners. 8 .-
award a single prize of 600 euros to the winning poem.
The jury may award honorable mentions.
9 .- The jury will be read at the Casa de la Cultura "Enrique Tierno Galván" in a literary act, including one of the days of the cultural event "IX Workshop for Peace of San Pablo de Buceite" which place in the week from 21 to 30 July 2011. Which also winning poems recited.
then will receive their awards. So the winners must attend in person to collect, or authorize another person.
10 .- The winning authors will undertake, by the publication of his works to refer to the prize that had been obtained in this poetry competition. The winning author will not compete again until after three years. ---
More information:
Municipal District of San Pablo de Buceite
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