Tomas (Gunnar Björnstrand) is a Protestant pastor in a deep spiritual crisis has deepened after the death of his wife. Marta (Ingrid Thulin), a rural teacher, is in love with him, but that does not support it.
Rough and hopeless existential drama that stands as one of the major works (with what that means) of the films of his extraordinary filmmaker.
the communicants is a more refined films of Ingmar Bergman. This is the second installment in his so-called "trilogy about the silence of God, a name never accepted by the filmmaker (the origin of it is in the joint publication of the scripts for three films), but it illustrates properly the subject of this tape and the other two that make the aforementioned trilogy: Through a Glass Darkly (i såsom Spegel , 1961) and Silence ( Tystnaden , 1963).
Never a staging of the Swedish master dreyeriana was so stark and naked in his conception of a story in which no room for ornaments. Bergman does not use visual asceticism to approach God, but to confirm its nonexistence. Here, the economy of means does not emanate mysticism, as in Dreyer and yes an agonizing and maddening solitude of the individual against a world that is utterly absurd and incomprehensible.
The film begins with a masterful and detailed sequence in which we witness the celebration of mass. In the face of the pastor sees a disbelief in what he says and makes it almost grotesque. The vision that the director shows the few faithful attendants is not too rosy: automatons who are bored in the middle of the sermon and look at their watches to see boredom time they have left. An absolute vacuum of faith.
Tomas, which interprets Björnstrand Gunnar absolutely superb, it is a solitary and sullen, unable to feel a bitter love nobody except for his deceased wife. Security that gave her love, has become uneasy after his death. Celebrate Mass without any conviction. Confront their beliefs with reality and shows that God does not exist. Is a hypocrite who can not even help the faithful, as in the case of Jonas (Max von Sydow), a tormented fisherman (regularly in the characters he played for Bergman Sydow) by the nuclear threat which has no sense to stay alive. Nor can it respond to the love that Mars, women as weak and dependent, feels for him. In fact, do not hesitate to despise and humiliate her by making use of a verbal harshness often found in movie Creator Person .
The action takes place in a few scenes, mainly located within the church. No incidental music used throughout the film, diegetic sound only heard from the ringing of bells, chanting ceremony or the advancement of a clock. His sobriety is extreme, sublimely captured by photography by Sven Nykvist.
Nattvardsgästerna , no answer to the prayers of his characters (or ours), there is only silence, a silence undisturbed and frightening.
Rating: masterpiece.
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