Mayor Pascual Collado, confirms that is suspended. The lack of economic resources prevents the second year, the celebration
0 comments.1 votoLa economy has returned to win the game culture. For the second consecutive year, the International Music Festival of Jimena rendering them in a drawer. The culture is diluted when winds blow against the economic power, social problems become more interesting and artistic imagination and his musical interests are relegated to the file of outstanding issues.
Jimena Mayor Pascual Collado, confirmed to this newspaper story, which inadvertently had begun to lean in anticipation of upcoming dates, as the festival has always had a place in the month of July. The tenth edition will stagnate, as happened last year, which will have to wait until 2012 to have more luck, or rather, better economic conditions.
A final earlier this year and raised the story of his recovery. "We talked with former collaborators and sponsors of the festival and what goes, not right now. We do not call it a festival but the festival, we deceive people and do not want, "said the mayor.
Some of the solid arguments behind the missteps that have been suffering chronic festival, Collins referred to the importance to the organization that promotes musical activity." At least that what we are going to offer is similar to what happened in 2008 or 2009, there was a reduction of days but the offer was decent quality to what was the festival ", summarized and given the inability to ensure the minimum quality is impossible to ahead with the project in 2011.
By Jim festival at this time have passed the likes of Paco de Lucia, Carlinhos Brown, Noa, Joan Manuel Serrat, Macaco, Orishas, \u200b\u200bas well as many renowned symphony orchestras worldwide, which has led to consider the festival as a cultural event of utmost importance.
In any case, "we have to wait at least 2012 to see if the economic situation has improved because now the situation and aid that we receive make it impossible to pull ahead with the festival," admitted Collins.
Ayuntamieno The budget Jimena "in circumstances not now," the mayor stressed, especially because there are other social needs and provider payment "that now take precedence over that." The festival will lose value by the accused absent not afraid, "We talked to many people and it is understood and expected, I wish I had been this year, people know who is suspended before the economic situation as many others have been suspended festivals in Spain because there was no other choice, we must common sense in spending that we do and if we have support from sponsors, organizers and the government does not come, because we have no other choice. "
In any case they have left for Peace workshops organized in San Pablo de Buceite, the little "gem" and defined the mayor, allowing them to keep the festival. Hence, the city council has announced the sixth edition of the poetry contest called Poetry Contest VI Encounters for Peace.
0 comments.1 votoLa economy has returned to win the game culture. For the second consecutive year, the International Music Festival of Jimena rendering them in a drawer. The culture is diluted when winds blow against the economic power, social problems become more interesting and artistic imagination and his musical interests are relegated to the file of outstanding issues.
Jimena Mayor Pascual Collado, confirmed to this newspaper story, which inadvertently had begun to lean in anticipation of upcoming dates, as the festival has always had a place in the month of July. The tenth edition will stagnate, as happened last year, which will have to wait until 2012 to have more luck, or rather, better economic conditions.
A final earlier this year and raised the story of his recovery. "We talked with former collaborators and sponsors of the festival and what goes, not right now. We do not call it a festival but the festival, we deceive people and do not want, "said the mayor.
Some of the solid arguments behind the missteps that have been suffering chronic festival, Collins referred to the importance to the organization that promotes musical activity." At least that what we are going to offer is similar to what happened in 2008 or 2009, there was a reduction of days but the offer was decent quality to what was the festival ", summarized and given the inability to ensure the minimum quality is impossible to ahead with the project in 2011.
By Jim festival at this time have passed the likes of Paco de Lucia, Carlinhos Brown, Noa, Joan Manuel Serrat, Macaco, Orishas, \u200b\u200bas well as many renowned symphony orchestras worldwide, which has led to consider the festival as a cultural event of utmost importance.
In any case, "we have to wait at least 2012 to see if the economic situation has improved because now the situation and aid that we receive make it impossible to pull ahead with the festival," admitted Collins.
Ayuntamieno The budget Jimena "in circumstances not now," the mayor stressed, especially because there are other social needs and provider payment "that now take precedence over that." The festival will lose value by the accused absent not afraid, "We talked to many people and it is understood and expected, I wish I had been this year, people know who is suspended before the economic situation as many others have been suspended festivals in Spain because there was no other choice, we must common sense in spending that we do and if we have support from sponsors, organizers and the government does not come, because we have no other choice. "
In any case they have left for Peace workshops organized in San Pablo de Buceite, the little "gem" and defined the mayor, allowing them to keep the festival. Hence, the city council has announced the sixth edition of the poetry contest called Poetry Contest VI Encounters for Peace.
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