Friday 6 May 19.00
VI Cork Pickers Contest Alcornocales Natural Park, with the collaboration of the Association of mule The Atajarre.
1 .- € 120
2 .- € 80
3 º .- 50 €
4 º .- 30 €
5 .- € 20
20.30 hours On the fairground lighting
23.00 hours in the municipal marquee brightened up by the Cat Trio Forever
23:00 hrs Opening of the Youth Booth
Saturday May 7 11:00
Market opening equine (horses, mules and donkeys). Requirements for participation in the market: pre-registration pens, phone and microchip. 12.00 hours
mule Contest XIII Alcornocales Natural Park, with the collaboration of the Association of mule The Atajarre.
1 .- € 300
2 º .- 200 €
3 .- € 150
4 .- € 100
5 .- € 50
12.30 pm
Horse Parade organized by the Rock Caballista The bracket, from Jimena Station to the fairgrounds. Prizes will be awarded to the best rider and best Amazon in infant and adult category. 20.00 hours
donkey race organized by the Rock Caballista The Stirrup. Awards:
1 º .- 50 €
2 º .- 30 €
3 º .- 20 € 21.00 hours
From this time, you can not stay any horse, mule or donkey inside the fairgrounds.
23.00 hours in the municipal marquee Dance entertained by the Black Cat Orchestra.
23.00 Opening of the Youth Booth
Sunday May 8 from 8:30 to 10:00 am
Registration to participate in dog competitions and opening of exhibition and sale of dogs and litters in the Municipal Hall.
Next: IX National Contest
Canine Jimena de la Frontera. Valid for the Championship in Spain. Organised by: Sociedad Canina de Andalucía Occidental. Sponsor: City of Jimena de la Frontera. 13.00 hours
Doma Vaquera Competition Jimena de la Frontera. Organizers: Manuel Cardenas. Sponsor: City of Jimena.
1 .- € 600
2 .- € 400
3 .- € 300
4 .- € 150
5 .- € 100
14.00 hours in the municipal marquee Dance entertained by the Black Cat Orchestra. Rociero teams performance. 17.00 hours
Horse racing tapes, organized by the Rock Caballista The Stirrup. Trophies for top three finishers. 19.00 hours
pole contest-exhibition, organized by the Rock Caballista The Stirrup. Trophies for top three finishers.
Note: The organizers reserve the right to alter or delete any of the events planned.
The awards from different competitions and contests will be held at the end of them.
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